Prayer Revolution 180

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  • Prayer Revolution 180

A revolution that will impact positively on the Church of Christ worldwide, releasing the supernatural, and unlocking Kingdom Mysteries. It is an announcement of major breakthrough to all believers all around the globe.

Immediately after the online prayer meeting on Prayer Tower (Facebook), as I was rounding off the online prayer in the presence of my wife, my children, and two staff members at our ministry camp (PurposeLife Retreat Center, Lagos-Ibadan Expressway) Nigeria, the Lord dropped the word “180-Day Prayers” in my spirit with a picture of that figure ‘180’ day prayers in my mind in a flash-like glimpse.

I immediately understood by the help of the Holy Spirit that this inspiration is quite deep and will affect nations and the Body of Christ in the nations.

Now while prayerfully meditating on Wednesday January 13, 2021, the tag “Prayer Revolution 180” dropped into my spirit as the tag name for this great move of God.

The idea of this divine Assignment is to get the nations back on the wheels of prayer. It’s a revolution that will impact positively on the Church of Christ in the nations of the earth, releasing the Supernatural, and unlocking certain Kingdom Mysteries. (1 Corinthians 4:1)

It is an announcement of major breakthrough to all Believers all around the globe. It will have both online and offline presentations and engagements.

The Strategy – Matt 16:1-3; 1 Cor 2:5-16)

- It is a divine call for the global Church of Jesus Christ to pray for 180 days.

- Praying in the Spirit and in natural languages.

- Praying as God leads.
  • We anticipate the Lord moving mightily and moving us forward in His Spirit.

  • Prayer is essential to our faith and our relationship with the Lord.

  • We are commanded to pray (Luke 18:1, Eph 6:18, Phil 4:6, Col 4:2; 1 Thes 5:17; 1 Tim 2:8)

  • It is an opportunity to be one with the global Church as we all join in prayer.

  • God responds in miraculous ways when we gather and pray (Acts 2:1, Acts 4:31, Acts 12:5, Acts 13:1-2, Acts 16:25).
    Our Process

    • Ministry leaders and Networks.

    • Intercessory Prayer Teams

    • All believers are invited to pray.

    • All Ages are invited to pray.

    • The expectation is for leaders to lead the way in prayer.


      • God promises to move when we come together as ONE in prayer.

      • Oneness with God and with other Believers

      • Revival igniting our spirit, ministries, and nations.

      • Transformed lives, marriages, families, ministries, cities, nations, etc.

      • Holy Spirit preparing us, the Bride, for the return of Jesus Christ.

      • An opportunity to be a channel of blessings for others.

      • Opportunities to hear what the Lord is saying globally.

      • God will make many statements in the earth through His church.

      • Awakening and revival in the global Church

      • A sense of belonging, oneness and being a vital part of the Kingdom will emerge.

      • The Church will return to significance and value to the nations.

      • Nations blessed because the Church prayed.

      • Local churches revived and renewed.

      • Leadership gifting will be released and strengthened.

      • Believers ignited in faith as never before.

      • The next generation come forth in purpose and mission having been emboldened through prayer time.

      • Gifts, calling and a commitment to fulfill the mission of the Church will be ignited.

      • Healings, deliverance and renewed vision/mission in those who pray.

      • A harvest of souls!

      • Things that people have struggled with will no longer hold any power.
      What's needed?

      • Notify the ANCO Global Steering Committee

      • A committed group of Ministry Leaders (including a primary contact) to provide communication, direction, and coordination for prayer in your nation.

      Role of Local Organizing Committee?

      • Organize and involve local ministry leaders, ministries, and believers to participate with Prayer Revolution 180.

      • Agreement to update designated contacts on prayer activities, testimonies, victories, prophetic word, etc. from your nation.

      • Commitment to promote and facilitate Prayer Revolution 180.

      • Advertising of Prayer Revolution 180 in your nations

      • Coordinate overall communications in your nation/region.

      • Organize prayer meetings, calls, etc.

      • Reporting activities to designated contacts.

      • On a global level, prayer will be lead daily on the Prayer Tower on Facebook.  More information will be provided for you.

      • Local radio/TV/or other broadcast methods may be employed to lead groups in prayers.

      • Churches/ministries may organize prayer gatherings and meetings.

      • Employees may organize lunch break prayer gatherings.

      • Families may gather daily for prayer.

      • Individuals are expected to pray daily.

      • Other strategies may include 24-hour prayer chain, Zoom/WhatsApp calls and other means for group prayer.

      • God will provide other creative ways to unite in prayer.

      • Anything of such great value to the Kingdom of God will require some commitment of time and other resources.  The Global Steering committee, with the Nigeria Planning committee, will provide you with as many tools as possible to make organizing, communicating, and reporting as easy as possible.

      • The more leaders who join the Revolution in your local area will allow for responsibilities to be shared and not fall too heavily on one or two people.

      • There will be a few necessary costs associated with publicizing Prayer Revolution 180.  There are many ways to minimize those costs.

      • Many of the social media platforms provide and easy and effective ways to get information out at no cost or very minimum costs.
      There may be costs incurred when you have public gatherings. The costs may be able to be spread across ministries to reduce any one ministry from having too many expenses
      Be a Part of the Prayer Revolution


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