70 Global Intercessors

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  • 70 Global Intercessors

The Assignment of the 70 Global Intercessors!

Special worship to God Almighty! The Altar of Prayer is the Altar of worship! (Exodus 24:1)
To Raise Prayer Altars as the Lord requires by the Holy Spirit! This is in addition to mobilizing Believers to pray in the Holy Spirit daily until Christ comes. (Exodus 24:4; Luke 18:1)
To Serve as active Stewards and Operators of the Mystery of God in this generation until Christ comes! (1 Corinthians 4:1)
To clear the way for the Lord’s visitation in the Nations and in a broad-spectrum flow with the preparation of the Holy Spirit for the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Luke 10:1)
To continue to raise Global Intercessors in the the Nations whom the Lord will use to keep the Church on track of Purpose and in her natural habitat of “men always ought to pray and not to faint”. A Global Intercessory Academy is envisioned for this purpose as the Lord desires. (Exodus 24:12).
To replicate the Spirit of the Assignment for wider spread, coverage, and greater impact. (Numbers 11:16,17)
To be Burden Bearers lifting the burden of the Lord in Prayer as the Holy Spirit leads. (Numbers 11:17)

Benefits of Being a Part of the 70 Global Intercessors!

The Joy of fulfilling the Lord’s desire rooted in the 3 scriptures here: a) Isaiah 64:7-8, b) Ezekiel 22:30-31 [Ezekiel 13:1-29] c) Luke 18:1,
A Platform to discharge your Kingdom duty of unraveling the mystery of God in The Nations. (1 Corinthians 4:1, Jeremiah)
Being a part of God’s Global Family in The Nations that meets on regular basis as the bones are coming together bone to his bone. The Lord revealed this to us strongly before and during the global pandemic in 2020!
The opportunity to gather together with other Kingdom like minds through the forthcoming Prayer Tower Global Intercessors Summit’ the first of which will hold in Nigeria in 2024 by the Grace of God!

Who Can Join?

1) Regular People who have a humble and teachable spirit.

2) Must be born again.

3) Must have received or are willing to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.

How To Join!

1) Visit the website: www.prayertowerlive.org Search for 70 Global Intercessors scroll down and fill the Form & submit it same time.

2) Visit our Facebook page: Prayer Tower Global, search out the Form, fill & submit it same time and join the WhatsApp group on the Form as well.

3) Contact any of our team members that you know.

Other Important Information!

  • Our first interactive session is this Thursday March 23, 2023 by 7pm Nigerian time which is strictly a Zoom meeting. The Zoom Link will be sent to those who have filled the Form within the next 24 hours here forthwith.
  • Our Monthly briefing, training, updates, & general interaction is slated for the 3rd Saturday every month starting from April 2023.

Frequently Ask Questions

You can join the group by going to prayertowerlive.org and fill the form.

Alternatively, you can go to your Facebook page and then

👉 Search for Prayer Tower Global
👉 Follow the Organization and fill in the Enlistment Form.
👉 Activate Notifications [and you'll be notified every time there's an activity on Prayer Tower.
👉 Ask for the link from the person who is inviting you to this platform.
Prayer Tower Global’s Mandate is to serve The Body of Christ, Christ’s Global Church and therefore it’s not denominational but Kingdom Driven. However given the assignment at hand it is important that one is a Part of the Body, identifies with a local assembly and is also actively engaged in Kingdom Service!
Praying in tongue is a major prerequisite to being a part of the 70. However, arrangements can be made to get you filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
We begin by making the vision clear then we move to the next level of the curriculum what to teach and how to handle!
We meet online everyday 8.45pm - 9.45pm Nigerian time. There will be periodic meetings but it will be communicated as at when due.
There are no charges involved in terms of joining fees but there is the requirement of commitment and dedication to the course.

Is this your call? Please fill the Form to join this Global Call in our Time.


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